+385 21 32 92 84

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The Student Council


Student representatives participate in the work of the Faculty through memberships in various bodies and organizational units and activities in the Student Union. There are six (6) representatives of students and their deputies in the Faculty Council. The representation of all levels of studies is ensured: two representatives and deputies of undergraduate university studies, two representatives and deputies of graduate university studies, one representative and deputy of integrated university undergraduate and graduate study, and one representative and deputy of the postgraduate university (doctoral) study.
Students also have their representatives in the following bodies of the Faculty: the council of each department (two student representatives), the Ethics Committee, the Publishing Committee, the Quality Assurance Committee, the Education Committee, the Library Board, the Awards Committee (one representative each). In the event that one of the parties to the proceedings is a student, they must also have a representative in the Committee for Protection against Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Harassment. In the Committee for Disciplinary Responsibility of Students, students have two members. 


Students can get involved in the work of the Student Council, a representative body of the Faculty that protects the interests of students through participation in decision-making in the Faculty's bodies.

Representative of the Student Council is Stana Kožul (