Journal of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split, No. 2-3, 2009
Original scientific paper
Slobodan Bjelajac University of Split, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Doris Vrdoljak
pages 3-19
The authors define the notion of the urban place as well as the process of urbanisation. They also show how the process of the increase in world urban populations grew to 47% in the year 2000. They also stress the differences in urbanisation levels between the highest (74%) and the lowest developed countries in the world (37%) – this means there was a ratio of 2:1 in the year 2000. This essay also shows a projection of future urbanisation up to the year 2030, when the ratio should be lower (1.5:1 – this means that the developed countries will have an urbanisation coefficient of 82%, compared with underdeveloped countries where around 55% of the population will be urban). In the second part of the essay, by using the Pearson χ2 test, as well as the coefficient of contingency, the authors present an analysis of the relationship between the urbanisation coefficient and its eventual consequences. The data are taken from the book “The World in Numbers” (the population of the country and country capitals, BNP per capita, consumption of electrical energy per capita, life expectancy of females and males, birth rate and mortality) in order to prove four hypotheses regarding the connections of these variables with the urban population coefficient. Two hypotheses are completely proven regarding the connection of the urbanisation level with the life expectancy of females and males, as well as with natality and mortality. The other two hypotheses have only been partially proven (regarding the BNP and the consumption of energy). However, the part of the hypothesis regarding the population of a country as well as the country capital was not completely proven.
urbanisation; urbanisation coefficient; consequences of urbanisation; developed and underdeveloped countries