Gordana Galić Kakkonen, Ph.D. is Extraordinary Associate Professor at the Department of Croatian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split, where she teaches World Literature, Introduction to Comparative Literature, Croatian Middle Ages and Renaissance Literature, and Methods of Research in Social and Human Sciences. She has been working at the Department of Croatian Language and Literature since 2002. She also lectured at the Teachers College in Split, at the Art Academy in Split and at Macquarie University in Sydney. Her research visits include the University of Bergen, Macquarie University and the University of Eastern Finland. She is the author of World Literature – the Ways and the Sideways.
She has published over 30 scientific papers and has participated in numerous conferences at home and abroad. She has supervised and co-supervised over thirty undergraduate and graduate theses as well as two doctoral dissertations. She was a collaborator on two scientific projects: 2002 – 2006 Halieutics of Vis Archipelago – Dialectological and Maritime Research, whose leader was professor Joško Božanić, and 2006 – 2010. Halieutica Adriatica – Philological and Anthropological Research of the Adriatic Culture, whose leader was also professor Joško Božanić. She was Head of the Department of Croatian Language and Literature 2011 – 2013, as well as Head of Literature and Culture PhD Programme at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split, 2011 – 2014, where she also teaches.
She has been a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split since 2015, and since 2016 she has been a member of the Editorial Board of Mogućnosti, journal of literature. As a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal, she takes care of the unifying and adaptation of the submitted papers according to the Guidelines for Authors of the Journal of Faculty of Huamnities and Social Sciences in Split and communicates with proofreaders.