At the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split, research is carried out within the framework of scientific activity at all departments and centers and through institutional and extra-institutional projects.
Research is carried out in the field of humanities, as follows:
• field: philosophy, branches: history of philosophy, logic, political philosophy, cognitive theory, philosophy of science, philosophy of society/social philosophy, ontology, ethics;
• field: history, branches: ancient history, Croatian and world medieval and Croatian and world early modern history, Croatian and world modern and contemporary history, and auxiliary historical sciences;
• field: history of art, branches: history and theory of fine arts, architecture, urbanism and visual communications;
• field: philology, branches: Croatian studies, English, theory and history of literature, Roman studies, German studies, general linguistics (linguistics), phonetics.
Research is also carried out in the field of social sciences:
• field: sociology, branches: sociological methodology, special sociologies;
• field: pedagogy, branches: didactics, pedagogy of early and preschool education, family pedagogy, general pedagogy, special pedagogy;
• field: psychology, branches: general psychology, developmental psychology; clinical and health psychology, social psychology; - field: kinesiology, branches: kinesiology education, systematic kinesiology, recreation, kinesiology and rehabilitation.
Research is also carried out in an interdisciplinary scientific field (the field of educational science) and other interdisciplinary fields and fields of science. The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split advocates and promotes transdisciplinarity.
You can see an overview of the research areas of scientists from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split in the WoS database in the following display:
You can access the profile of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split in the Croatian scientific bibliography - CROSBI database via this link.