Introducing students to developmental dimensions in the context of individual thematic units from temperament, attachment and emotions to the concept of self, personality development and developmental difficulties and applying this knowledge in education in childhood and adolescence
1. Temperament. Temperament dimensions and manifestation in the context of age
2. Development of attachment, attachment in early childhood, adolescence and adulthood
3. Heritage or environment. Contemporary research and theoretical approaches
4. The connection between attachment, temperament and emotion
5. Development of self-perception and personality
6. Self-control and initiative in upbringing and education
7. Cognitive styles, attribution and beliefs and connection to educational processes and decisions
8. Peer relationship, friendship, favorite, sociometry
9. Motivation for marriage and parenthood
10. Parenting styles and challenges of contemporary parenting
11. Division and determination of deviant forms of experience and behavior
12. Children and adolescents with disabilities in the context of upbringing and education
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