The course aims to introduce students to key themes and content of children's literature, and also to explore the works that are in their subject matter, stylistically and compositionally designed and suitable for children.
It is also important to show and explain the path of development of children's literature from literature with a strong didactic and pedagogical dimension all the way to the literature that talks distinctively about the world of children and their right to their own literature and experience free from every load.
Define and interpret corpus of children's literature (stories - folk and art, fantastic stories, poetry, fables, various forms of youth adventure novels and literature and science fiction works.
Direct attention to the large and canonic names in children's literature (Brothers Grimm, Andersen, Twain, Kipling, F. Molnar, E. Kastner, Gaarder, Pullman, Rowling and others., Also Kuten, Brlić Mažuranić, Balog, Vitez, Paljetak, Kusan.).
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- Dječja književnost, , Crnković, M, Školska knjiga, Zagreb., 1990.
- Povijest hrvatske dječje književnosti, , Crnković, M.-Težak, D, Zagreb: Znanje, 2002.
- Treba li nam nova povijest hrvatske dječje književnosti?, , Majhut, B, FLUMINENSIA, 27 (1), 2015.
- Bajke. Pregled i interpretacija, , Pintarić, A., Osijek, 1999.
- Potjehovi hologrami, , Zalar, D, Zagreb: Alfa, 2014.