COURSE OBJECTIVES: The course objectives are to gain a knowledge about computer and its purpose in ICT. Train students for using ICT in different domains and for resolving various
problems. Give foundations for knowledge upgrading in the ICT field.
LECTURES: Introduction to ICT (science and practical implementation). History review of ICT development; components of contemporary computers. Components of modern computers. Numerical systems (decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal), converting between different numerical systems. Arithmetical operations in binary system. Binary notation in computer (coding information with binary digits). The Von Neumann model. Computer (hardware and software). Computer network (basics of data transmission, network classifications). Internet (history, services, protocols). Internet security (type of risks and protection methods).
EXERCISES: Personal computer (files and folders). Word processing (MS Word). Creating presentations (MS PowerPoint). Organize format and calculate data with formulas and creating graphs with data (MS Excel). E-mail, cloud computing applications.
- Nastavni materijali, Materijali objavljeni na fakultetskom intranetu i na sustavu Moodle ( i, L. Maleš, , .
- Nastavni materijali, Materijali objavljeni na fakultetskom intranetu i na sustavu Moodle ( i, D. Jelaš, , .
- Computer Science - An Overview, 11th Ed, , J. Glenn Brookshear, Addison-Wesley, 2012.
- Informatika 1, Online pristup na, Galešev, Dmitrović, Vlahović, Kager, Lučić, SysPrint, 2019.
- Informatika, Online dostupno na, Brođanac, Budin, Markučić, Perić, Školska knjiga, 2019.
- Svijet informatike 1, Online dostupno na, Blagojević, Stjepanek, Stranjak, Tomić, Školska knjiga, 2019.