+385 21 32 92 84

Poljička cesta 35, Split, Croatia

Introduction to Puppetry and Theatre

Code: 120194
ECTS: 4.0
Lecturers in charge: doc. dr. sc. Tea-Tereza Vidović Schreiber
Lecturers: Sanja Balić - Practicum
nasl. pred. Silvana Stanić - Practicum
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Practicum 30
Lectures 30
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Acquisition of basic knowledge in the field of stage art, student training for their own creative expression through drama and for application of a stage puppet in educational process.

After passing the exam successfully, students will be able to:
1. define drama as a literary genre
2. explain various drama forms
3. see drama structure and composition
4. present and interpret historical development of drama and theatre, especially historical development of drama and theatre for children, as well as to differentiate traditional and contemporary puppet theatre
5. apply speech interpretation of a literary text (speech realisation of a text)
6. describe the course of drama performance creation
7. apply dramatisation and adaptation of texts for drama and puppet plays in kindergarten
8. tell different types of stage puppets, to apply the principles of puppet animation and to make a puppet.Lectures:
Drama as a literary form. Drama work literary/stage work.
Drama and stage forms (monologue, dialogue etc.).
Drama text structure. Drama composition. Theatre performance.
Historical development of drama and theatre.
Speech interpretation of a literary text for children. Speech aspects (intonation, intensity, interruptions and pauses, enjambment).
Speech and stage text realisation. Recital.
Drama and theatre for children. Historical review of the development of children's theatre.
The course of creation of children's drama (text selection, adaptation, work on the text).
Dramatisation and adaptation of texts for drama plays in kindergarten.
Dramatic literature for children.
Puppetry as a part of stage art. Traditional and contemporary puppet theatre.
Stage puppet types. Basic principles of puppet animation.
Stage speech of a puppet.
Puppet text and puppet dramaturgy.
Literary sample. Dramatisation and adaptation of text for puppet play in kindergarten. Puppet play.

Speech exercises (describing, telling and re telling, dramatisation etc.).
Expressive reading.
Dramatisation and adaptation of text for drama and puppet plays in kindergarten.
Dramatisation and adaptation of a picture book.
Analysis of a theatre performance for children.
Making a puppet (with the help of a visual arts professional).
Demonstration of a shorter drama work.
Demonstration of a puppet performance.
Learning outcomes:
  1. define drama as a literary genre
  2. explain various drama forms
  3. see drama structure and composition
  4. present and interpret historical development of drama and theatre, especially historical development of drama and theatre for children, as well as to differentiate traditional and contemporary puppet theatre
  5. apply speech interpretation of a literary text (speech realisation of a text)
  6. describe the course of drama performance creation
  7. apply dramatisation and adaptation of texts for drama and puppet plays in kindergarten
  8. tell different types of stage puppets, to apply the principles of puppet animation and to make a puppet
  1. Lutkari i lutke, , Čečuk, M., Zagreb: Denona, 2009.
  2. Komunikacijom do gramatike. (poglavlje Govorna interpretacija umjetničkoga teksta), , Pavličević, D, Zagreb:Alfa, 2005.
  3. Dijete i scenska lutka, , Pokrivka, V, Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 1985.
  4. Metodički pristupi scenskoj kulturi. (odabrana poglavlja), , Vigato, T, Zadar:Sveučilište u Zadru, 2012.
  5. Lutkarstvo i dijete, , Županić-Benić, M., Zagreb: Leykam International, 2019.
2. semester
Mandatory course - Regular studij - Early and Preschool Education
Consultations schedule: