+385 21 32 92 84

Poljička cesta 35, Split, Croatia

Practicum and teaching practice

Code: 175189
ECTS: 5.0
Lecturers in charge:
Lecturers: doc. dr. sc. Marko Jakić - Seminar

doc. dr. sc. Marko Jakić - Field exercises
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Field exercises 35
Seminar 25
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
The aim of the course is to prepare the student for independent creation, preparation and teaching of philosophy, logic, and ethics based on contemporary methodological starting points.
1. Introductory lesson: To present students with the course and their duties (1L+1S)
2.Philosopher - teacher (1L+1S)
3. Determination of teaching aims in Philosophy, Logic and Ethics lesson (1L+2S)
4. Contemporary teaching versus traditional teaching (1L+2S)
5. Planning and preparing lessons in teaching Philosophy, Logic and Ethics (1L+2S)
6. Guidelines for structuring content for teaching Philosophy, Logic and Ethics (1L+2S)
7. Methods for introducing philosophical thinking (1L+2S)
8. Guidelines for teaching Philosophy, Logic and Ethics (1L+2S)
9. Concepts and classification methods in teaching Philosophy, Logic and Ethics (1L+2S)
10. The role of the text in teaching Philosophy, Logic and Ethics (1L+2S)
11. Philosophical dialogue and discussion (1L+2S)
12. Method of demonstration and written works in teaching Philosophy, Logic and Ethics (1L+2S)
13. Essays in philosophy (1L+2S)
14. Monitoring and evaluation of the teaching of Philosophy, Logic and Ethics (1L+2S)
15. Synthesis (1L+1S)
Learning outcomes:
  1. Independently create and analyse lesson plans
  2. Come up with and implement lessons using appropriate
  3. Design and deliver a lesson using appropriate teaching methods
  4. Analyze the effectiveness of the lesson.
  5. Analyse and apply the techniques of valuation and evaluation of student achievement
  6. Apply philosophical thinking for the development of critical and independent thinking in students.
  7. Analyse and apply the procedures for the establishment of philosophical thinking.
  1. Metodika nastave filozofije, , Marinković, Josip, Školska knjiga, 2008.
  2. Filozofija kao nastava, , Marinković, Josip, HFD, 1990.
  3. Učiteljstvo kao poziv, , Marinković, Josip, Kruzak, 2008.
  4. Temeljna nastavna umijeća, , Kyriacou, Chris, Educa,, 2001.
  5. Časopis Metodički ogledi br.8(1994),br.16(2002), br.17(2003.), , Various, HFD, 2003.
  6. Što je dobra nastava, , Meyer, Hilbert, Erudita, 2005.
  7. Priručnik za nastavu filozofije, , Miošić, Igor, Profil, 2009.
  8. (2003.) Priručnik za nastavnike uz udžbenik G. Petrovića, , Kalin, Boris, ŠK, 2003.
  9. LOGIKA- PRIRUČNIK ZA NASTAVNIKE, , Kovač, Srećko, Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada, 2004.
4. semester
Mandatory course - Regular studij - Philosophy; Teacher Education
Consultations schedule: