+385 21 32 92 84

Poljička cesta 35, Split, Croatia

Sociology of Popular Religion

Code: 131460
ECTS: 4.0
Lecturers in charge: izv. prof. dr. sc. Vlaho Kovačević
Lecturers: Krunoslav Malenica - Seminar
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
Seminar 15
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
The course offers students the knowledge related to the sociological aspect of the phenomenon of popular religion for critical and creative reflection on the complex relationship between popular religion and modern society, thus allowing students to think critically about the role of popular religion in constructing a symbolic community and its role in everyday life. This approach opens a possible space of popular religion as a modern phenomenon that has taken the form of tradition and the past and is increasingly shaping the encounter of popular religion and modernity. A special place in the course belongs to the discussion of the meaning of popular religion in (post)modernity aimed at developing a new spirit of community that could be called post-traditional. During lectures and seminars, students prepare for a theoretical sociological conceptualization of popular religion, research into the role of popular religious frameworks in the construction of reality and discourse of acculturation, class conflicts and ideology of socio-political movements, which often promote certain economic and political interests, as well as for questioning the possibility of bias of religious content in popular religion. Special attention is paid to the development of an adequate modern theoretical and conceptual framework (methodological design) from which students prepare to develop research tools, without ideological limitations of earlier, opposing sociological paradigms, and start operationalizing some empirical research of popular religion, its factors, and various consequences. The expected learning outcomes relate to the ability to assess and understand the sociological interpretation of religion and the methodological approaches by which popular religion and religiosity can be explored.
Learning outcomes:
  1. explain basic concepts of sociology of religion and relationships among them
  2. explain basic theoretical concepts of popular religiosity, with special attention to the phenomenological approach
  3. explain sociological viewpoint of phenomenological framework of popular religion
  4. elaborate on the elements, forms and sources of popular religiosity
  5. elaborate on methodological approaches used to explore popular religiosity and explain their respective advantages and disadvantages
  6. explain the controversies between social interpretation of the nature of popular religion and phenomenological approach to natural sources of living the sacred
  7. explain the meaning and the position of popular religion in Croatian, Catholic area, in the context of the dominant traditional church religiosity and controversies in the attitude of the official Church (Vatican) toward popular religiosity
  1. , Obvezna literatura

    1. Peter L. Berger. (1970). A Rumor of Angels. Modern Society and the Rediscovery of the Supernatural. Anchor Books, Garden City.
    2. Jukić, Jakov. (1988). Povratak svetoga, Rasprava o pučkoj religiji, Split. Crkva u svijetu.
    3. Mardešić, Željko. (2007). Rascjep u svetome. Kršćanska sadašnjost. 733-794.
    4. Aquaviva, S. Pace, E. (1996). Sociologija religije. Problemi i perspektive. Zagreb: Zavod za sociologiju. 77-119.
    5. Marinović Bobinac, A. Dimenzija religioznog iskustva u Hrvatskoj šapat anđela iz sociologijske perspektive. Sociologija sela. 43 (2005) 168 (2), 339-370.

    Dopunska literatura

    1. Šimić, Josip. U potrazi za definicijom pučke pobožnosti. Etnološka Tribina, 17 (1994) 43-52.
    2. Hrvoje Lasić, Sociologijski pristup svetom u raspravi o pučkoj religiji i Jakov Jukić. Povratak svetoga. Obnovljeni život, 44 (1989) 2.
    3. Jakov Jukić. Slutnje svetoga u pučkoj religiji. I. Crkva u svijetu, 19 (1984) 4, 329-336.
    4. Jakov Jukić. Znakovi svetoga u pučkoj religiji. II. Crkva u svijetu, 20 (1985) 1, 19-30.
    5. Jakov Jukić, Značenje pojma svetoga u suvremenoj religiologiji, U M. Josipović - M. Zovkić prir., Crtajte granice ne precrtajte ljude. Zbornik radova u povodu imenovanja vrhbosanskog nadbiskupa Vinka Puljića kardinalom, Studia Vrhbosnensia 7, VVTŠ, Bol - Sarajevo, 1995., 387-425.
    6. Jakov Jukić, Kriza slavljenja svetoga. Blagdani u pučkoj religiji. Obnovljeni život, 41 (1986) 2, 123-146.
    7. Jakov Jukić, Religijske i društvene odrednice hodočašća I, Crkva u svijetu, 22 (1987) 2, 115-126.
    8. Jakov Jukić, Religijske i društvene odrednice hodočašća II, Crkva u svijetu, 22 (1987) 4, 310-318.
    9. Jakov Jukić, Turizam i hodočašće, Crkva u svijetu, 23 (1988) 1, 34-41.
    10. Jukić, Jakov. (1991). Budućnost religije, Sveto u vremenu svjetovnosti, Split. Matica hrvatska, 41-42.
    11. Jukić, Jakov (1997). Lica i maske svetog. Zagreb. Kršćanska sadašnjost, 501-513.
    12. Fan Lizhu, Popular Religion in Contemporary China, Social Compass, 50 (2003) 4, 449-457.
    13. Jacques Waardenburg, Official and Popular Religion in Islam, Social Compass, 25 (1978) 3-4, 315-341.
    14. Göran Gustafson, Pupular Religion in Sweden, Social Compass, 29 (1982) 2-3. 103-112.
    15. Eloísa, Martín, From Popular Religion to Practices of Sacralization. Approaches for a Conceptual Discussion. Social Compass, 56 (2009) 2, 273-285.
    16. John Fulton, Modernity and Religious Change in Western Roman Catholicism. Two Contrasting Paradigms. Social Compass, 44 (1997) 1, 115-129., , , .
3. semester
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5. semester
Sociologija zimski semestar prijediplomski izborni - Regular studij - Sociology
Consultations schedule: