1. komponenta
Lecture type | Total |
Lectures |
30 |
Seminar |
30 |
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
The course offers students the knowledge of the sociological aspect of the phenomenon of science for critical and creative reflection on the complex relationship between science and modern society. By enabling students to think critically about science and its role in everyday life, we approach the sociology of science as a social activity in a socio-historical context and process. Special attention will be paid to the social structure of science, organization, key institutions, and the relationship with other components of culture and forms of cognition and the wider society. The basic idea of this course is that every society consists of several fundamental elements which, together with the fundamental elements of social change, form the fundamental subject of research in the sociology of science. The first part of the course discusses what sociology is as a science and how sociological thought about society has developed throughout history, which cannot be defined without the concepts of nature, human, and culture. The second part discusses certain elements of the social structure of science (scientist, scientific activity, scientific relations and groups, scientific communities, scientific institutions, superstructure), trying to interpret them from the sociological perspectives of functionalism, critical theories and interactionism. The expected learning outcomes relate to the ability to assess and understand the relationship between science and society, or the functions of science and the impact that science has on the development of society, and vice versa, how society affects the development of science. The course pays special attention to the connection of sociology of science with other components of culture and forms of cognition and this shows that internal or cognitive approaches to science are not enough and that it is necessary to consider the interaction of social and scientific factors in a given historical time. Whence, the sociology of science critically questions the idea of science and its development only according to its internal laws, for the realization of which social circumstances are secondary and irrelevant.
Learning outcomes:
- explain the subject of the content of the sociology of science and the basic tasks of the sociology of science.
- explain the meaning of the relationship between society and science as a cultural tradition.
- explain the origin and development of the sociology of science as a complex result of the interaction between economic, political, moral, and practical problems of scientific cognition, but also the influence of science on them.
- explain the social functions of science and their place in the social structure.
- think critically and creatively, stimulate interests, motivate, and discuss the various influences of society on the state of science and the influence of science on the state of society.
- build a systematic theoretical knowledge of the impact of society on the state of science and the impact of science on the state of society.
- explain how the social structure of science contributes to, directs (or hinders) the development of science.
- understand the meaning of culture within different forms of cognition as a vast area of research in the sociology of science.
- explain why the internist or cognitive approach to science in which social circumstances are secondary and irrelevant is not sufficient.
- engage in sociological research of science.
- Science in Society. An introduction to Social Studies of Science,, , Bucchi, Massimiano., London: Routledge, 2004.
- Uloga znanstvenika u društvu., , Ben, David, Zagreb: Školska knjiga., 1986.
- Znanost i društvo,, , Bjelajac, Slobodan., Split: Skripta za studente fizike-informatike, matematike-fizike, fizike-tehničke kulture i informatike-tehničke kulture., 2003.
- Science, Society, and Values: toward a sociology of objectivity,, , Sal Restivo., London and Toronto: Associated University Presses. (prvo poglavlje)., 1994.
- Sociologija nauke, razvoj, stanje, problemi, , Milić, Vojin, Odsjek za filozofiju i sociologiju Filozofskog fakulteta u Novom Sadu, 1995.
Optional literature:
- Sociologija nauke, mertonovski i konstruktivistički programi, , Škorić, Marko, Novi Sad, Izdavačka knjižarnica Zorana Stojanovića Sremski Karlovci, 2010.
- Ratovi znanosti: pogled unatrag., , Matić, Davorka, Zagreb: Naklada Jesenski i Turk., 2001.
- Produktivnost istaknutih znanstvenika: znanstvena vrsnost i socio-kognitivni kontekst., , Prpić, Katarina, Revija za sociologiju 27(1-2), 1996.
- Društvena podcijepljenost znanosti i razvoj hrvatskog istraživačkog potencijala, , Prpić, Katarina, Društvena istraživanja 12(63-64):1-2., 2003.
- Tehnika i znanost kao ideologija., , Habermas, J., Zagreb: Školska knjiga., 1986.
- Kineska znanost i Zapad: velika titracija,, , Needham, J., Zagreb: Školska knjiga., 1984.
- Žene u nauci: od Arhimeda do Anštajna,, , Popović, Dragana, Beograd: Službeni glasnik., 2012.
- Elite znanja u društvu (ne)znanja, , Prpić, Katarina, Institut za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu, Znanost i društvo, 2005.
- Sociološki portret mladih znanstvenika, , Prpić, Katarina, Institut za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu, Znanost i društvo, 2004.
- Hrvatski znanstvenici u svijetu, socijalni korijeni u prostoru i vremenu, , Golub, Branka, Institut za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu, Znanost i društvo, 2004.
- Onkraj mitova o prirodnim i društvenim znanostima, , Prpić, Katarina, Institut za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu, Znanost i društvo, 2008.