1. komponenta
Lecture type | Total |
Proofreading exercises |
30 |
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
The focus of teaching activities is on practicing written expression and broadening the knowledge (lexical and grammatical) necessary for free written communication:
1. Overview of forms of formal and informal writings (2 E)
2. Defining and analyzing different styles, and their functional differentiation (4 E)
3. Review of structural norms of particular genres, as well as exercises in selected genres (word play, creating a text in a group, working on selected types of texts, etc.) (6 E)
4. Exercises on writing different types of texts (abstract, description, essay) and development of creativity in writing (6 E)
5. Writing motivation letter, application and CV (6 E)
6. Exercises on writing different types of informal correspondence from e-mails to SMS (6 E)
Learning outcomes:
- After attending and completing the course students will be able to compile, with appropriate linguistic style and register, a concise argumentation on familiar topics.
- After attending and completing the course students will be able to express their thoughts and ideas logically and thus make it easier for the recipient to understand the message.
- After attending and completing the course students will be able to apply actively the vocabulary processed.
- After attending and completing the course students will be able to apply actively the processed grammatical structures in written expression.
- After attending and completing the course students will be able to express complex topics in a clear, concise and structured manner.
- After attending and completing the course students will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in creating a unit and activities aimed at developing writing skills in foreign language teaching.
- Schreiben im Studium mit Erfolg, Ein Leitfaden, , Bünting, Karl-Dieter, Axel Bitterlich und Ulrike Pospiech, Cornelsen, Berlin, 2000.
- Von der Idee zum Text. Eine Einleitung zum wissenschftlichen Schreiben, , Esselborn-Krumbiegel, Helga, Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh, Paderborn, 2002.
Optional literature:
- Langenscheidt Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache, , Redaktion Langenscheidt, Langenscheidt, München und Wien, 2015.
- Schreiben im Alltag und Beruf, , Seiffert Christian, Langenscheidt KG, Berlin und München, 2009.