1. komponenta
Lecture type | Total |
Lectures |
15 |
Seminar |
15 |
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Learning about lexicology and lexicography and their relation to other related linguistic disciplines; defining basic terminological definitions and areas of research; understanding the need for proper use of monolingual, bilingual, electronic and online dictionaries;recognition of lexical changes in language;categorizing language concepts and language concepts at all linguistic levels;
linking language processes with social events.
Course contents
1. Lexicology as a linguistic discipline and its relation to other linguistic disciplines (2L+2S) 2. Definitions of terms: word and lexem, lexical unit, mental lexicon. Identification and classification of words. The problem of lexical meaning (2L+2S) 3. Systematic relations in the lexicon. Lexical semantic fields and lexical sets (1L+1S) 4. Syntagmatic lexical relations: collocations, phrasemes, and multiple lexical units (1L+1S) 5. Semantic relations: ambiguity and disambiguity (1L+1S) 6. Semantic relations: antonyms and synonyms (1L+1S) 7. Semantic relations: hypernyms and hyponyms (1L+1S) 8. Enriching the German language by borrowing. Different ways of borrowing (1L+1S) 9. Developing tendencies in the German language dictionary. Specific regional variants. Swiss and Austrian standard German (1L+1S) 10. Contemporary lexicological research and lexicographic projects (1L+1S) 11. German lexicography; introduction to lexicographical terminology; dictionary typology (1L+1S) 12. History of lexicography (1L+1S) 13. Types of dictionaries (1L+1S)
Learning outcomes:
- Students will be able to:
- analyze various contemporary texts which contributes to better quality in speaking German;
- - connect lexical processes in German in relation to social and political circumstances
- - find information independently and use relevant literature.
- Lexikologie der deutschen Gegenwartssprache, , Schippan, T. ., Max Niemeyer Verlag, Tübingen, 2002.
- Lexikologie und Lexikographie, Eine Einführung am Beispiel deutscher Wörterbücher, , Schlaefer, M. (2008), Erich Schmidt Verlag, Göttingen, 2008.
Optional literature:
- Lexikographie und Wörterbuchbenutzung, , Englberg, S., Lemnitzer L., Stauffenburg Einführungen., 2009.
- Lexikografie: Eine Einführung., , Herbst, T., Klotz, M., Ferdinand Schöningh., 2003.
- Handbuch der Lexikologie, , Schwarze, C., Wunderlich, D. (ur.)., Athenaum Verlag, 1985.