+385 21 32 92 84

Poljička cesta 35, Split, Croatia

Philosophy of Education

Code: 67556
ECTS: 4.0
Lecturers in charge: izv. prof. dr. sc. Marita Brčić Kuljiš
nasl. pred. mr. sc. Perislava Bešić-Smlatić
Lecturers: dr. sc. Josip Guć - Seminar
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
Seminar 15
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
To foster reflection, critical and higher-order thinking in students by introducing them to philosophical problems and methods. To provide philosophical basis of pedagogy as the science of education.
1. Introducing students to objectives, contents, methods and requirements of the course. (2L)
2. Notion of philosophy of education and its systematic position within the whole of philosophical and pedagogical disciplines. (2L)
3. An overview of lines of thought in contemporary philosophy and their influences on theoretical orientations within the science of education. Historicism and Dilthey's distinction of two types of sciences. (2L)
4. Phenomenology and intentionality. Basic features of existentialism. Time and existence. (2L)
5. Basic features of existentialism. Caring and education: Heidegger's distinction between authentic and inauthentic caring, Noddings' notion of caring as a relation. (2L)
6. Influence of existentialism on humanities, social sciences and educational philosophies with an emphasis on existentialist pedagogical psychologies. (2L)
7. Gadamer, hermeneutics and principles of interpretation. Hermeneutic orientation in the science of education. Question on interpretation as a method. (2L)
8.Wittgenstein: language and the world. Problem of value statements in Tractatus and its consequences on founding the study of education. (2L)
9. Vienna Circle and philosophy of science: meaningfulness. K. R. Popper: falsificationism, creativity and knowledge. Pedagogical consequences of falsificationist epistemology. (2L)
10. Empirical orientation in the study of education. Critical theory: general features. Differences between indoctrination and education. (2L)
11. Habermas: interests and forms of knowledge. Critical study of education and emancipatory interest. Communicative rationality. (2L)
12. What is Postmodern? Features of postmodern philosophy. (2L)
13. Lyotard: knowledge and society. Critique of Lyotar's declaration of " death of the Professor". Theoretical influences of Postmodern: theory of the unconscious, structuralism, postpositivist epistemology. (2L)
14. Development of idea of natural development: from Rousseau to Piaget. Developmental epistemology and constructivism in philosophy of education. Development of notion of number according to Piaget. (2L)
15. Kohlberg and development of moral judgement. Pedagogical consequences of developmental theories. Systematization.. (2L)
1. Notion of philosophy: analysis of various standpoints and definitions. (1S)
2. Analysis of examples of educational philosophies. (1S)
3. Overview of basic logical concepts: concept and proposition. (1S)
4. Overview of basic logical concepts: argument. (1S)
5. Textual analysis: Noddings on caring as a relation. (1S)
6. Notion of education in human-science pedagogy. (1S)
7. Textual analysis: language, world and picture relation in Tractatus. (1S)
8. Textual analysis: types of meaningful propositions according to Tractatus. (1S)
9. Notion of education in empirical pedagogy. (1S)
10. Comparison of research methods in hermenutic and empirical science of education (textual analysis of selected quotes from F. Heyting, D. Lenzen i J. White (ured.) Methods in Philosophy of Education. (1S)
11. Analysis of a selected example of critical approach in philosophy of education. (1S)
12. Written exam. (1S)
13. How to write an essay. Selection of topics. (1S)
14. Analysis of a selected postmodern text. (1S)
15. Textual analysis (J. Piaget). (1S)
Learning outcomes:
  1. Recognition of philosophical assumptions present in pedagogical scientific orientations and particular pedagogical standpoints.
  2. Acquaintance with basic lines of thought in contemporary philosophy and their relation to approaches within science of education.
  3. Ability to compare hermeneutic with empirical and critical founding of pedagogy
  4. Basic ability of philosophical and logical analysis of scientific texts and their critical reflection
  1. , Otvoreno znanje: Filozofija odgoja [web stranice kolegija]
    Obvezna literatura obuhvaća dvije skupine izvora: a) uvod u filozofiju i b) odnos filozofije i znanosti o odgoju. Svi student biraju po jedno djelo iz skupine a) i b). U literaturi iz skupina a) i b) studenti su dužni temeljito proučiti samo ona poglavlja koja su izravno povezana sa sadržajem predmeta, v., a u ostalim poglavljima dovoljna je razina upoznatosti. Literatura iz skupine c) namijenjena je samostalnome radu.
    ---Uvod u filozofiju
    Arno Anzenbacher (1992) //Filozofija: uvod u filozofiju//. Zagreb: Školska knjiga.
    Boran Berčić (2012) //Filozofija// 1--2. Zagreb: Ibis.
    Nigel Warburton (1999) //Filozofija: osnove//. Zagreb: Kruzak.

    ---Odnos filozofije i znanosti o odgoju
    Herbert Gudjons (1994) //Pedagogija: temeljna znanja//. Zagreb: Educa.
    Eckard König i Peter Zedler (2001) //Teorije znanosti o odgoju//. Zagreb: Educa.
    Dieter Lenzen (2002) //Vodič za studij znanosti o odgoju - što može, što želi//. Zagreb: Educa. ---

    ---Istraživanja u filozofiji odgoja [nekada i danas]
    Nel Noddings (1998) Philosophy of Education. Oxford: Westview Press
    Jerome Bruner (2000) //Kultura obrazovanja.// Zagreb: Educa.
    David Carr (2003) Making Sense of Education : Introduction to the philosophy and theory of education and teaching.
    //Filozofija odgoja: izbor tekstova hrvatskih pisaca//. (1997) priredio Ivan Čehok. Zagreb: Školska knjiga,, , , .
Optional literature:
  1. , //Encyclopaedia of Philosophy of Education// Michael A. Peters, Paulo Ghiraldelli Jr., Berislav Žarnić, Andrew Gibbons i Tina Besley (ured.) (,
    Milan Polić. //Filozofija odgoja: elektronički priručnik// (, Milan Polić. (1997) //Čovjek, odgoj svijet: mala filozofijsko-odgojna razložba//. Hrvatski Leskovac: Kruzak,
    Berislav Žarnić Eseji iz filozofije odgoja : Epistemologija, logika i didaktika. (zbirka objavljenih eseja)
    Časopis //Metodički ogledi: časopis za filozofiju odgoja//. Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo.
    Matthew Lipman (2003) Thinking in Education. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
    Frieda Heyting, Dieter Lenzen i John White (ured.) (2001) Methods in Philosophy of Education. Routledge International Studies in the Philosophy of Education. Routledge, London
    Nigel Blake, Paul Smeyers, Richard Smith, i Paul Standish (ured.) (2003) The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Education. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford
    David Carr (2003) Making Sense of Education : Introduction to the philosophy and theory of education and teaching. Routledge International Studies in the Philosophy of Education. Routledge, London, , , .
1. semester
Mandatory course - Regular studij - Pedagogy
Consultations schedule:
  • dr. sc. Josip Guć:

    Wednesday 14.00-16.00 or by arrangement
