+385 21 32 92 84

Poljička cesta 35, Split, Croatia

Didactics of Art 1

Code: 68042
ECTS: 4.0
Lecturers in charge: doc. dr. sc. Dubravka Kuščević
Lecturers: doc. dr. sc. Dubravka Kuščević - Seminar
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
Seminar 15
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
The course objective is to introduce the concept of art education in the primary
school level, providing critical assessment and quality planning of the art activities
in the junior grades by applying the modern teaching methods of the visual arts.
1. Definition, goal, tasks and interdisciplinary methodology of teaching visual arts.
2. Historical development of theory and practice of visual arts teaching.
3. Tasks and main goal of visual arts teaching (contemporary visual arts teaching).
4. Characteristics of visual arts expression and creation in children stages of development of visual arts expression.
5. Aesthetic education and visual arts teaching (aesthetic visual arts components of the tasks of visual arts).
6. Cognitive process in the visual arts teaching (criteria and function of differentiating between visual and art thinking).
7. Visual arts teaching as a function of promoting creativity.
8. Negative phenomena in children's creativity and deterrents of children s visual arts development.
9. Psychological basis of the artwork reception (development of art Works observation and experience in students).
10. Motivation in visual arts teaching.
11. Sources of knowledge, contemporary teaching aids in teaching of visual arts.
12. Teaching methods, didactic principles, teaching forms and their application in visual arts teaching.
13. Correlation in visual arts teaching
14. Evaluation, monitoring and grading in visual arts teaching.
15. Methodical design of lessons.
Learning outcomes:
  1. Recognize the importance of art classes for the complete development of students.
  2. Understand the visual language of children.
  3. Recognise and differentiate between perception, design and creative capabilities of the students.
  4. Define basic principles in visual arts teaching.
  5. Define teaching methods and forms in the teaching of visual arts.
  6. Apply contemporary teaching aids in teaching of visual arts.
  7. Understand the articulation of the visual arts lesson.
  1. Metodika likovnog odgoja 1, Opći prikaz metodike likovne kulture s temeljnim sadržajima metodičkih postavki., Karlavaris B, Rijeka: Hofbauer., 1991.
  2. Metodika likovnog odgoja 2, Opća metodika likovne kulture., Karlavaris, B, Rijeka: Hofbauer., 1991.
  3. Likovna kultura u razrednoj nastavi, Priručnik metodike nastave likovne kulture., Tanay, E. R, Zagreb: Školska knjiga., 1990.
  4. Vizualno likovni odgoj i obrazovanje, Priručnik metodike nastave likovne kulture., Grgurić, N., Jakubin, M, Zagreb: Eduka., 1996.
Optional literature:
  1. Spoznajne osobitosti suvremene nastave, Članak razmatra općenito karakteristike suvremene nastave., Jelavić, F, Metodika: časopis, Učiteljska akademija Sveučilišta u Zagrebu., 2000.
  2. Metodika likovne kulture djece rane i predškolske dobi, Knjiga razmatra opće spoznaje metodike likovne kulture., Varljen Herceg L., Rončević, A., Karlavaris B, Zagreb : Alfa ; Rijeka : Sveučilište., 2010.
  3. Obrazovanje za kreativnost putem umjetnosti, Članak razmatra mogućnosti razvoja kreativnosti putem umjetničkih sadržaja., Turković, V, Zagreb: časopis Napredak., 1999.
  4. Pristupi likovnom odgoju kao nastavnom predmetu i istraživačkom području, Članak razmatra istraživačke pristupe u likovnoj nastavi., Karlavaris, B, Rijeka: Zbornik Pedagoškog fakulteta., 1992.
  5. Razvoj osjetljivosti za prostor kod djece, Članak govori o razvoju prikaza prostora u likovnim radovima učenika., Karlavaris, B, Rijeka: Zbornik Pedagoškog fakulteta., 1991.
  6. Moć slike u obrazovanju, Članak raspravlja o važnosti vizualno-likovnog obrazovanja., Turković, V, Zagreb: Hrvatsko vijeće InSEA., 2001.
  7. Temeljna nastavna umijeća: metodički priručnik za uspješno poučavanje i učenje, Knjiga definira temeljna nastavna umijeća i prikazuje njihov razvoj. Koristan izvor informacija za upoznavanje složenosti nastavnog procesa., Kyriacou, C, Zagreb: Educa., 1997.
7. semester
Mandatory course - Regular studij - Teacher Education
Consultations schedule: