+385 21 32 92 84

Poljička cesta 35, Split, Croatia

Language Exercises II

Code: 188372
ECTS: 4.0
Lecturers in charge: lekt. Silvija Ugrina
Lecturers: lekt. Iva Grubišić Ćurić - Proofreading exercises
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Proofreading exercises 90
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Language exercises II are a follow up of Language exercises I.
The focus of work lies in the enrichment of knowledge (lexical and grammatical) necessary for free oral and written communication and the revision and improvement of acquired grammatical knowledge.
Content: Time and activity, Stress and relaxation, Technology and trends, Health and environment including planned language activities (exercises on expressing opinion and writing). Grammar: Conjunctions of time and cause,
Konjunktiv I: Indirect speech, sollen as transmitter of information, noun-verb-connections, Prepositions, passive and passive substitutes, participles as adjectives, modal auxiliaries and sentences, concessive conjunctions and clauses, participial constructions, werden and its functions.
The course includes also translation exercises, primarily of simple texts from German to Croatian and vice versa. The texts that are translated are thematically related topics taught in class.
1. Time and activity (10 E) 2. Conjunctions of time and cause (4 E) 3. Oral communication exercises (2 E) 4. Listening comprehension exercises (2 E) 5. Translation exercises (2 E) 6. Stress and relaxation (8 E) 7. Konjunktiv I: Indirect speech (2 E) 8. Sollen as transmitter of information (2 E) 9. Noun-verb-connections (2 E) 10. Prepositions (2 E) 11. Oral communication exercises (2 E) 12. Listening comprehension exercises (2 E) 13. Translation Exercises (2 E) 14. Technology and trends (8 E) Passive and passive substitutes (4 E) 16. Participles as adjectives (2 E)
17. Modal auxiliaries and sentences (4 E) 18. Oral communication exercises (2 E) 19. Listening comprehension exercises (2 E) 20. Translation exercises (2 E) 21. Health and the environment (10 E) 22. Concessive conjunctions and clauses (4 E) 23. Participial constructions (2 E) 24. werden and its functions (2 E) 25. Oral communication exercises (2 E) 26. Listening comprehension exercises (2 E) 27. Translation exercises (2 E)
Learning outcomes:
  1. After attending and completing the course students will be able to communicate orally and in writing in German (at least) at B2 level CEFR.
  2. After attending and completing the course students will be able to translate simpler texts to and from German.
  3. After attending and completing the course students will be able to apply actively the processed lexicon.
  4. After attending and completing the course students will be able to apply actively the processed grammatical structures in written and oral expression.
  5. After attending and completing the course students will be able to read and comprehend texts in German at level B2+.
  6. After attending and completing the course students will be able to improve independently the language and use sources of linguistic knowledge in German for further training and education.
  7. After attending and completing the course students will be able to participate without difficulty in talks and discussions about topics taught in class and apply acquired knowledge (vocabulary and grammar rules).
  8. After attending and completing the course students will be able to retell orally and in writing a text of appropriate complexity in German.
  9. After attending and completing the course students will be able to interpret a text related to a more complex topic.
  10. After attending and completing the course students will be able to understand listening comprehension tasks by adapting the way and speed of listening for different listening purposes.
  1. Erkundungen Deutsch als Fremdsprache B2: Integriertes Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch, Sprachniveau B2, , Anne Buscha, Susanne Raven, Szilvia Szita, 2., veränderte Auflage, Schubert Verlag Leipzig, .
  2. Lehr- und Übungsbuch der deutschen Grammatik, , Dreyer, Schmitt, Verlag für Deutsch, Ismaning, 1998.
Optional literature:
  1. Übungsgrammatik Deutsch, , Helbig/Buscha, Langenscheidt KG, Berlin und München, 2000.
  2. Deutsche Grammatik, Ein Handbuch für den Ausländerunterricht, , Helbig, Buscha, Langenscheidt, Verlag Enzyklopädie Leipzig, Berlin, München, 1996.
  3. Njemačko-hrvatski univerzalni rječnik, , Hansen-Kokoruš, Renate i dr., Nakladni zavod Globus, Zagreb, 2005.
2. semester
Mandatory course - Regular studij - German Language and Literature
Consultations schedule: