+385 21 32 92 84

Poljička cesta 35, Split, Croatia

Lexis in Italian language teaching

Code: 87916
ECTS: 3.0
Lecturers in charge: izv. prof. dr. sc. Snježana Bralić
Lecturers: izv. prof. dr. sc. Snježana Bralić - Seminar
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 15
Seminar 15
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Coping with various problems of understanding, acquisition and teaching of lexis, students master lexical competence, which, from the standpoint of glotodidactics, is considered the most complex one. The choice, selection, quantity and grading of didactic material related to vocabulary, in most of the methodological approaches, is insufficiently integrated into teaching units. Therefore, using the contemporary lexical corpora and a range of lexical nuances, which require more subtle knowledge not only of the language itself, but also of non-linguistic factors, will ensure coping with the issues related to acquisition and teaching of lexis as well as a good preparation for the profession for which students are being educated.

Upon the completion of the course the student will be able to:
1) define basic notions related to lexis acquisition and teaching;
2) recognize and explain different strategies and techniques in lexis teaching;
3) distinguish, classify and compare language facts on lexical level;
4) use normative handbooks required for teaching activity;
5) analyse teaching materials and lexical corpus used in the process of teaching.

STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES: Class attendance and participation in class activities: 80% lectures, 80% seminars. Writing seminar paper, written exam. The students have a possibility of taking the final exam through midterm exams.

GRADING AND EVALUATING STUDENT WORK: Detailed evaluation criteria can be found in the course repository.
Learning outcomes:
  1. , 1) Corda, A.- Marello, C. (2004). Lessico. Insegnarlo e impararlo. Perugia: Guerra.
    2) Consiglio d'Europa (a cura di) (2002). Quadro europeo comune di riferimento per le lingue. Firenze: La Nuova Italia.
    3) Castoldi, M. - Salvi, U. (2003). Parole per ricordare. Dizionario della
    memoria collettiva. Bologna: Zanichelli.
    4) Costantini, L. - Montesi, A. - Tomassini, P. (2008). Per un pugno di corti. L'italiano attraverso i cortometraggi. Perugia: Guerra., , , .
  2. , OPIS OBAVEZNE LITERATURE: Predložena literatura ukazuje na temeljne smjernice u usvajanju i podučavanju leksika u suvremenoj glotodidaktičkoj praksi. Riječ je o sljedećim bibliografskim jedinicama:
    1) udžbenik koji donosi suvremeni prikaz kako u učenju tako i usvajanju i podučavanju leksika; 2) referentni europski okvir za učenje stranih jezika iz kojeg će se razmatrati samo dio koji se odnosi na leksik;
    3) specifičan rječnik talijanskog jezika koji obuhvaća kulturološki obojane riječi koje preslikavaju talijansku civilizaciju 20. stoljeća.
    4) udžbenik koji na uzorku suvremenog kratkometražnog filma razrađuje nastavnu jedinicu., , , .
Optional literature:
  1. , 1) De Mauro, T. (1994). LIP - Lessico di frequenza dell'italiano parlato.
    Milano: Etas libri.
    2) De Mauro, T. (2005). La fabbrica delle parole. Torino: UTET.
    3) Lewis, M. (1993). The Lexical Approach. London: LTP.
    4) Bralić, S. (2008). Talijanske riječi uživo: svi ratovi svijeta u leksiku Zemlje koja se mijenja. Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Split. Sveučilište u Splitu, Filozofski fakultet. Br. 1 (2008). Pp. 209?220.
    5) Bralić, S. (2011). Le parole fai da te: costruire e capire per via derivativa. XVIII Congresso Internazionale dell'A.I.P.I. (Associazione Internazionale di Professori d'Italiano). Oviedo (Španjolska), (2008).


    1) Aprile, G. (2011). Italiano per modo di dire. Esercizi su espressioni, proverbi e frasi idiomatiche. Firenze - Roma: Alma.
    2) Bertoni, S. - Nocchi, S. (2011). Le parole italiane. Esercizi e giochi per imparare il lessico. Firenze - Roma: Alma., , , .
2. semester
Talijanistika 2. ljetni sem. (nastavnički smjer) - Regular studij - Italian Studies; Teacher Education
Consultations schedule: