Authors: Aleksandra Tonković, Luka Pongračić, Martina Lončar
Paper categorization: Preliminary communication
DOI: https://www.ffst.unist.hr/en/skolski_vjesnik/archives/2022/sv_71_2/71_2_5
Paper: 2022. Vol. 71, No. 2. – A.-Tonković – L.-Pongračić – M.-Lončar
The preschool and elementary school education of Roma children plays an important role in their integration in Croatia. Enrollment of Roma children in preschool activities from an early age is necessary to minimize language barriers in primary classes, thus reducing discrimination of Roma children in education and, later, in employment. We studied the readiness of Roma children for school with respect to parents’ education, attendance of preschool programs and number of children in the family. We further explored the link between readiness for school and parents’ education and residence location. The experience of many countries shows that Roma are in a weak social position, and the biggest reason for this is the low level of education, which makes them unskilled to do most jobs and thus has a high unemployment rate. The plan to prepare Roma children for more successful enrollment in preschool and school activities can be structured differently to minimize the impact of the language barrier. Adapting the curriculum includes measures to provide extra tutoring and opportunities for education in the Roma language, improving schools’ material conditions, and organizing remedial classes with special assistance in mastering a particular subject, summer and winter schools.
education of Roma children, preschool education, Roma culture